Thursday, November 26, 2015

It's still yesterday, believe me

    I missed yesterday's entry due to being sick. It's not exactly the worst illness ever, but is whacking me over the head a bit, hence missing things like blog entries. Yesterday, it was a burning sore throat. Today, the throat has improved a bit and symptoms have moved into the boogers boogers boogers stage. And that was before I drank or ate anything. Eating breakfast now and expecting some drama as the day wears on.
    I'm skipping Thanksgiving totally or at least postponing it. I don't think interacting with other people would be the most thoughtful thing ever. I think I'll ask William if we can put it off until Monday or so. I will try to take a bath eventually at least.
    Yesterday I did take the printed version of one of my drone pictures over to Devon around the block who asked for it and also demonstrated the drone. I managed to crash it in someone's yard but they weren't home so I recovered it without gunfire or conflict. The Krazy Glue repairs didn't hold so I did it again; I don't think they'll hold this time either. Prop guards have very awkward fracture lines. Well, the Krazy Glue will dry up eventually anyway; might as well use it up instead.
    Right, that was yesterday's post; today's is coming up. Happy Thanksgiving either way!

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